Senin, 01 Januari 2018

Working With Real Estate Agents

Working With Real Estate Agents

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Most likely, you already know that I advocate working with Realtors in my BuyersFirstProgram. It's the best way to achieve investment success. Of course, you should work with Realtors who know what they're doing; otherwise, you're wasting your time as an investor (not to mention that of the buyers and sellers).

In this article, I'll give you some guidelines for choosing the best Realtors to work with in any investment situation. If you're already an experienced investor, this information may seem very basic, but it's also good to practice fundamental principles on a daily basis. Ask any professional athlete!

Guideline #1: Choose a Full-Time Professional Realtor. This may seem very obvious, but remember there are always part-time real estate agents out there wanting commissions. Most are either mediocrities or amateurs who check in when the market is hot and check out when it slows. So, weed these individuals out by asking for their experience, qualifications, sales, etc. Then, go with the Realtors who have a demonstrated record of excellence over time.

Guideline #2: Choose a Specialist. Ideally, you want a Realtor who specializes in your particular area of investment. So, if you specialize in the single-family home market, look for an agent who has considerable experience and expertise in that area. Do the same for multi-unit, commercial, retail, and industrial markets. By the way, don't just accept a Realtor's word that he or she is an expert in a particular market. Ask for proof in terms of sales within your target market.

Guideline #3: Verify Realtor Credentials. Check with your state online database to make sure the agent is fully licensed and has no citations, disciplinary actions, etc. on his or her record. If a Realtor has ethics problems, you definitely don't want them staining your reputation, even if it's only by association.

Guideline #4: Ask For and Check References. As with any business, the best proof of success lies in satisfied customers. So, ask the Realtor for references from customers within your target market and geographical area. Contact those references to get a rounded picture of the Realtor's reputation and business practices. Naturally, you'll want to develop a relationship with Realtors with good to excellent reputations for honesty, fair dealing and patience. It'll make the entire investment process a much smoother and more profitable one since you'll be dealing with satisfied customers, not irate ones. Guideline #5: Look For Good Communication Skills. Straight-forward and clear communication is the key to success in any investment deal. So, look for Realtors who listen well to you (and everyone else) and who keep you informed and up-to-date on every transaction. Also, remember that clear communication is your responsibility as well. Make sure the Realtors you choose clearly understand what your investment goals are so they don't waste time bringing properties to you that have nothing to do with those goals.

Guideline #6: Look For Realtors with Strong People and Negotiating Skills. A Realtor can have all the experience in the world, but if he or she doesn't relate well to people, they're no help to your investment deals; they're positively a hindrance! So, seek out agents who are great at making everyone happy while moving them toward a deal with sound negotiating skills. To find out about a Realtor's negotiating skills, ask former clients about how effectively the agent conducted bargaining sessions.

Guideline #7: Remember Your Responsibilities! Once you find a great Realtor, do your part to keep him or her on your team. Bring them good deals, not "ghost" deals that never materialize. After all, your reputation is on the line too, and you want it be a good one since it can help you build a long-term investing career. A Realtor who considers you a reliable and honest investor will bring you deals that never show up on the MLS listings or in the newspapers!

Key Point: Choose full-time Realtors with great reputations and great experience in order to maximize your investment career.

Why Should You Have a Dashboard Camera

Why Should You Have a Dashboard Camera

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Dashboard cameras or dash cams are small cameras mounted on the dashboard to record video either of the front of the vehicle, or the interior of the car. The camera is powered from the cigarette lighter outlet or it can be hardwired to the battery. Recorded video is stored on a portable SD card and can be downloaded by the driver to a mobile phone or laptop with a USB cable. Dashboard cameras come with different features depending on the model, some of which include battery backup, geo location that records the vehicles location, wide angle view, wireless transmission, night vision and motion detection. Police vehicles have used dashboard cameras for many years to record traffic stops and these devices are now finding widespread adoption among ordinary motorists. Read on to know why you should use a dashboard camera.

Get Video Evidence in Case of an Accident

Getting in an accident is the last thing that any motorist wants when he sets out on a drive. However, it is a fact that roads have gotten unsafe with a rising number of vehicles hitting the road each year. If you get involved in an accident or see one happen in front of you, it can be difficult getting an eyewitness to support your version of events, especially if the accident happens at night on a deserted road. The dashboard camera is your silent companion as the video footage it captures may prove conclusive in case you have to get legal help. Video Records Help with Insurance Claims and Traffic Violations

Insurance companies may sometimes dispute accident claims on the basis of unclear evidence or by alleging driver impairment because of alcohol. Video footage can help the driver back up his claim and ensure a patient hearing from the insurer. If the insurer still rejects your accident claim, your video footage could be useful if you present your case before higher authorities. In the future, insurance companies may offer discounts to motorists who install dash cams.

It also acts as a reverse camera, so you can spot other vehicles, pedestrians and various other obstructions whenever you back up.

If you find yourself stopped by a traffic policeman for speeding or light jumping while driving and you feel he is being unfair to you, you could offer to show your video footage to him before he writes you a ticket. If the policeman is convinced of your innocence, you could get yourself out of a hefty fine.

Protect Yourself from Fraud

Countries like Russia have seen large adoption of dashboard cameras because of scamsters. The scam goes like this, a pedestrian falls on to your car while it approaches a traffic light or on a busy street and claim they have been injured even if there is no wrong doing on the drivers part. The man and his accomplices then extort money from the driver to treat the victims injuries. Having a dashboard camera makes sure you have a video record that you can present to the police if you ever fall prey to such schemes.

Record Your Long Journeys

You can get a fine video record of your long trips in the car with dashboard cameras. While driving, you dont have to stop and take out your camera if you see something interesting on the road, as your trusty dashboard camera captures it for you.

Your Quirky Video Might Go Viral!

A meteor strike in Russia, a near collision in Korea and a would-be scamster trying hard to be hot by a car all became huge viral hits online last year because of dashboard cameras capturing the captivating events. You too could become the owner of the next viral video hit if you manage to capture something interesting on your dashboard camera.

Why Children Should Color

Why Children Should Color

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At 1 time in everyone's life they have sat down with a box of crayons and some paper and began to color. Some folk may see this activity as something to have children perform to fill up time or as a fun activity. [**] coloring is advantageous to kids for many reasons. Here are some of the finest reasons you should have youngsters color.
winnie the pooh coloring sheets
Color Recognition

When a kid starts to color it is usually the 1st time they're experiencing color recognition. By coloring a child will learn the difference between the colours. When youngsters are exposed to coloring at a young age they often have less difficulty understanding the colors and the best way to mix colors to create other colors.

If a kid is found coloring disturbing scenes there might be an underlying issue that should be determined. Regardless of the child's inventive talent coloring is often a particularly relaxing activity that can help a kid de stress from a busy day.
Building Fine Motor abilities

Coloring isn't just a sort of self expression but an activity that can help kids build their fine motor skills. A kid may begin to color just for fun, but while doing so starts to develop the fine motor abilities they are going to need later in life. Coloring helps a child develop the muscles in their hands which can become important later in life for things like typing where the hand and arms need to work together. When learning to color kids learn how to grip and control the crayon. It is important for youngsters to discover how to properly grip a writing instrument. Coloring is often a child's first experience with how to properly grip a writing instrument.

Learning Focus and Boundaries
[**] by performing a coloring activity that has predetermined lines a child is studying about limits and how to focus to finish a picture. The task of having a kid finish a coloring sheet and to stay in the lines will help them later on while learning writing. Having the ability to color within the lines also increases a kid's attention span by showing them how to focus on the coloring project. Coloring in the lines is a milestone that many children are happy to accomplish. Being able to coloring in the limits of the coloring sheet is often something youngsters are very proud of. It gives them the sense that they can do whatever is put in front of them.

You may want to check out my other guide on winnie the pooh coloring sheets



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Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel pair up for this romantic comedy set to release on this October 8th. Both Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel have confirmed their potential as actors in their latest projects like Ugly Truth and Transformers respectively.

Life as we know it is a romantic comedy that places these stars collectively given the sudden circumstance of death of their very best friends. The film begins off with Katherine's character i.e. Holly and Josh Duhamel's personality Eric going out on their first date which turns out to be a massive disaster. Like numerous romantic comedies that arrive out ever couple of seasons, this promises to be a couple's film. Teenagers, couples will be the excellent target audience to watch Life as we know it.

Not needed you watch it in theatres. Alternatively of selecting out a DVD for your night in with your partner, watch Life as we know it online and take pleasure in some nice cozy time. The film is an ideal love story of two people who commence with dislike, get thrown with each other offered the circumstances of faith and end up a family and in love.

Katherine Heigls' character by occupation is an upcoming caterer and Josh plays a promising sports director. While both have active social calendars and active work schedules, they meet yet again when their mutual couple good friend passes away leaving Holly and Eric God parents left to take care for their kid, Sophie. Lack of parenting abilities make the movie a entertaining sight to see. In case you determine to give it a miss in the theatres, make it a stage to watch Life as we know it online free. You can log on to any web site that uploads films and watch Life as we know it online. No longer so you have to wait to watch it on DVD or spend that cost for it. Make the most of your high speed internet connection.

It is not essential you watch the film with somebody. Got nothing to do on the weekend? Enjoy some top quality time and watch Life as we know it online. It is one of those films that leaves you feeling nice and smiling. You can even catch it with a girlfriend on your girl's nighttime out. Following Ugly real truth, a lot of people will purely view it for Katherine Heigl's acting wherever as on the other hand despite 'When in Rome' not performing that effectively, this is Josh Duhamel's chance to show his romantic yet funny side.

For More Information Please Visit :
Watch Life as we know it Online Free

Want To Be An EntrepreneurThe Dos And Donts!

Want To Be An EntrepreneurThe Dos And Donts!

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Follow others or start being followed- Entrepreneurs either create history or become history
It looks very alluring from an outer circle- sketching equations on whiteboards, nasty all night sessions of coding while crushing through the cartoons of Brewers or Red Bull, receiving and dialing n number of call calls, taking your company to a billion dollar platform within a fling and the best part is living your dream life.

However, the real part is hidden from everyone apart from the Entrepreneurs who know it takes countless sleepless nights, constant stressed-out days, less or even no time for relationships and health and the ever poking reminders from your soul that you are now responsible for all your investors and employees because you have decided to do this!
And being an entrepreneur myself I have been through all blues to achieve what I wanted to- to establish what I ever dreamed about! The path of glory is full of pitfalls but how you come out and deal with them makes you either survive the battle or crash forever. So here are Dos and Donts for all the emerging Entrepreneurs from a real-time experience:

Lets talk about the DONTS first

1. NEVER HESITATE TO SEEK HELP AND FEEDBACK: An entrepreneur should first learn to take suggestions and help, and should shed all the hesitations and grab every opportunity to learn. There should be a constant loop of feedback's from its employees, investors, and stakeholders.

2. SUCCESS IS NOT AN OVERNIGHT SHOW: Be focused with a long-term vision and true determination. It will take time but patience is the key for you. Dont expect success overnight.

3. DONT LET THE INVESTORS AND STAKE HOLDERS CONTROL YOUR COMPANY: Build healthy relationships with your investors, after all, you need the magic paper from them, but this doesnt give them the right to mold your company. You are the best person to take decision for your company.

4. STOP BEING AFRAID AND BREAK THE RULES: Do what you fell is good for your company. And you know what this is the best part of being an entrepreneur- you set your own rules.


5. DO WHAT YOU KNOW AND ARE BEST IN: Do not enter the industry you dont know about because there is no substitute for experience. Start your business with something you really want to and you know the in-out well so that you can explain your vision to your clients, employees, investor, and stakeholder.

6. HIRE PROFESSIONALS ACCORDING TO THE PRECISE REQUIREMENTS: Time, quality and cost are supposed to be three major factors responsible for the success or failure of any organization. Invest for the best quality of professionals out there rather than hiring a folk just to make your work place look like an organization because the key contributors are your employees and this would ultimately upgrade the quality of your startup.

7. RECOGNIZE YOURE MISTAKES AND NEVER HESITATE TO LEARN:Entrepreneurship is a complete leap into something that you are not completely pro at- this means you are open to mistakes. Never ignore your mistakes correct them with a better resolution. You should always know when to hold and when to fold.

8. TAKE DECISIONS AND BELIEVE YOUR GUTS: No one ever promised you success for sure. Wrong decisions are better than no decision at all. Have the courage to follow your guts as this journey is all that you have ever thirst for.
It is a journey of transforming your vision into the reality and being an Entrepreneur takes a lot of guts as there is no shortcut for the success and we at Symphony understand this. We have helped more than 100+ startups to turn into organizations. Here are few of their success stories

Garage Door Can Be Your Best Friend

Image source: Garage doors and their components are a fundamental part ...