Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

The Manufacturing Process Of LED Light Bulbs

The Manufacturing Process Of LED Light Bulbs

Image source: http://wesrch1.wesrch.com/User_images/wiki/cbeeb6a8cc0f22f00c99322387b4645e_1267392917.jpg

LED light bulbs~ are built around solid-state semiconductor devices, so the manufacturing process most closely resembles that used to make electronic products like PC mother boards.

Let's take a look at the manufacturing steps for a typical LED light bulb meant to replace a standard incandescent bulb with an Edison Screw. You will see that it is a very different process from the highly automated processes used to manufacture our familiar incandescent bulbs. And, despite what you might imagine, people are still very much a necessary part of manufacturing process, and not just for testing and Quality Assurance only.

Once the larger sheets of LED circuit boards have passed through a solder reflow oven (a hot air furnace that melts the solder paste), they are broken up into the individual small circuit boards and power wires manually soldered on.

The small power supply housed in the body of the light bulb goes through a similar process, or may be delivered complete from another factory. In either case, the manufacturing steps are the same; first the PCB passes through SMT lines, then it goes to a manual dual in-line package (DIP) assembly line where a long row of factory workers add one component at a time. DIP refers to the two parallel rows of leads projecting from the sides of the package. DIP components include all integrated chips and chip sockets.

While LED lights burn several times longer than incandescent or CFLs and require less than half the energy, they need some form of passive heatsink keep the high-power LEDs from overheating. The LED circuit board, which is made from 1.6-2mm thick aluminum, will conduct the heat from the dozen or so LED elements to the metal heatsink frame and thus keep temperatures in check. Aluminum-backed PCBs are sometimes called "metal core printed circuit boards," and though made of a conductive material the white coating is electrically isolating. The aluminum PCB is screwed in place within the heatsink which forms the lower half of the LED light bulb.

Shell assembly consists of locking the shell in place with screws. A plastic shell covers the power supply and connects with the metal heatsink and LED circuit board. Ventilation holes are included to allow hot air to escape. Wiring assembly for plug socket requires soldering wires to the bulb socket. Then shell is attached.

Next, the completed LED light is sent to burn-in testing and quality control. The burn-in test typically lasts for 30 minutes. The completed LED light bulb is then powered up to see if it is working properly and burned in for 30 minutes. There is also a high-voltage leakage and breakdown test and power consumption and power factor test. Samples from the production run are tested for high-voltage leaks, power consumption, and power factor (efficiency).

After a final check to make sure all the different parts of the LED light are tight, then it is packed into individual boxes, and bulbs are shipped.

So, if you have wondered why LED light bulbs are so expensive today, this explanation of how they are manufactured and how that compares to the manufacture of traditional light bulbs should help. However, it also reveals why the cost will fall pretty dramatically over the next few years. Just as the cost of manufacturing other semiconductor-based products has fallen dramatically due to standardization, automation and other key steps along the manufacturing learning curve, the same inexorable forces will drive down the costs of LED light bulb production.

The Four Types of Criminal Laws

The Four Types of Criminal Laws

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/8654537/26/images/30/Crime+The+violation+of+criminal+laws+enacted+by+a+locality+%2Cstate%2C+or+the+federal+government.+Two+elements..jpg

Society is built upon carefully crafted laws. The founding fathers first started creating laws centuries ago, and since then the United States government has been expanding upon them. These laws keep up safe, civil, honest, and free from tyranny. As citizens, our government expects us to adhere to these decrees, not only for our own good, but for the good of the population as a whole. There are several types of criminal laws in place, all of which guide the American people to be safe and responsible citizens.

The first set of criminal laws, and perhaps the most fundamental, applies to the safety of people. These rules govern what we as a person cannot do to one another. Examples include: armed or unarmed assault, criminal harassment, lascivious exploitation, rape, and murder. All of these laws involve a direct threat to our fellow people and the consequences for breaking them are often severe. These are taken very seriously and there are a number of arrests each year for violating laws like this. When arrtested, the alleged criminal can face a number of charges, can be put on probation and can even be sent to jail. This is a whole other issue that will addressed in a future article.

The second form of laws involves transportation, and is known as traffic laws. Most people become aware of these laws when they first start learning to drive, as following them is crucial to avoid being pulled over and fined or possibly arrested. Some common examples of traffic laws involve: speeding, drunk driving, not wearing a seatbelt, operating an unregistered car or truck, and leaving the scene of an accident. In some cases, a court may even suspend a drivers license if they violate these laws too many times.

The third kind of criminal laws regard property. When a person intentionally damages or destroys another persons property, they may find themselves facing legal action. Property laws restrict people from littering, committing arson, stealing, vandalizing, trespassing, and any other similar crimes. Many times, when the law catches someone violating these rulings, that person will have to pay the property owner for the damages they inflicted. Additionally, the criminal may have to pay the court a fine or spend time in jail.

The fourth and final category of laws are ones that keep the community safe. Feeling safe in ones own home town or city is a cornerstone of a peaceful society. Community laws attempt to stop people from buying, selling, or using drugs, protesting without a permit or with aggression, concealing a weapon in public without permission, going on riots, and knowingly spreading false information about other people publicly. Should someone violate any of these laws, the legal system may sentence them to jail or prison, depending on the severity.

There are many laws in place to keep us and our neighbors safe. The government has worked carefully over the centuries to ensure these laws are fair and effective at stopping crime. Because not everyone accused of breaking these laws is truly guilty, the court has the final decision in each case. This is where things get a little messy. There are plenty of instances over time where innocent people have been proven guilty and guilty people have been let off because they are perceived to be innocent. This will forever be a battle in our legal system as we spend all of this money on lawyers, court caues and juries, but the judge still has the ultimate say. Hopefully, going forward, we as a society will be able to revert back to how our founding fathers handled everything and go back to a much simpler time where we did not have to deal with so much crud regarding laws, lawyers and court cases.

The Benefits of Barcode Technology for Inventory Management

The Benefits of Barcode Technology for Inventory Management

Image source: http://visionbarcode.com/images/wms.png

Companies are faced with increasingly complex inventory management systems due to rapidly growing businesses, new customer demands, greater market opportunities, and a trend toward availability of more diverse products. With this complexity, trying to stay on track with where products are located and how much is on hand has become a significant challenge. This is especially difficult for companies that are still trying to get by with some manual processes.

Enter barcode technology  a system that includes a database, scanner, labels and printers which is proving that it can revolutionize the inventory management process, helping to address the complexity through automation and reduce the confusion and inaccuracy that manual processes have caused. Here are the benefits of barcode technology:

Increased Speed

Automation has always been known to speed up any process because it removes many steps that were previously used in a manual system. Every step within a process incrementally adds that much more time before it can be considered complete. The more steps that can be removed, the faster it can be finished. This applies to the process of orders that have many steps and people involved. With barcode technology, information can be quickly added to a database, analyzed, and processed that no human could ever achieve. It only takes a matter of minutes, which dramatically increases the inventory process, allowing you to take on more business and satisfy customer expectations.

Greater Security

To ensure no one can steal products or items from the inventory, a barcode system provides a much higher level of security to reduce shortage issues. The barcode on each item in the inventory provides a way to track everything and know where it is at all times. This reduces the risk that employees will take merchandise from the warehouse, which means that unnecessary costs are not eating away at profitability. At the same time, employees are held more accountable for their action.

Fewer Mistakes

Barcodes much of the human process from inventory management by taking over what employees might have handled. No matter how good your staff is, the fact is that there are still bound to be errors. Barcoding technology processes information about the inventory for employees so there are fewer mistakes. Scanning barcodes also means that numbers are not transposed like might happen when doing these processes manually.

Effective Decision Making

Barcoding works like an analytics tool and offers a wealth of data on inventory use and ordering preferences. This data helps to then identify spikes in demand or changing purchase trends that provide a way to make better decisions about what to keep on hand in the warehouse or how to restructure the warehouses layout for more efficient processing and picking. Better decision making can also be applied to tracking and collating costs, inventory inefficiencies, and labor costs.

Labor Reduction

Companies can save money by automating the inventory management process because they will need fewer hours to get the work done and even fewer employees. Thats because the barcoding eliminates manual data entry and increases parts checkout, reordering, and recordkeeping.

Real-Time Information

Barcoding automatically updates the information in the system so there will always be a real-time count on quantities. This updated information is also available across all devices within the warehouse so everyone has the latest data to use for their tasks.

Growing Preference for Barcode Technology

As more types of businesses that keep an inventory recognize the benefits of barcoding technology, its use grows and replaces all the manual processes. Even small companies on limited budgets realize that barcoding technology is an affordable investment that offers a return in as little as the first year of using the equipment and processes and adds liquidity to your operations.

The Advantages Of Using Organic Spices

The Advantages Of Using Organic Spices

Image source: https://www.organicfacts.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/cuminbenefits1.jpg

With the high environmental, social and economic costs of corporate agriculture, more and more individuals are realizing that choosing organic is good not only for their health, but for the world in general - and that includes organic spices. Bulk organic herbs can be used in both the kitchen in also to stock the medicine cabinet. Organic bulk herbs are an excellent way to add flavor to food, but have a number of other uses as well.

Spice History

The usage of dried herbs in the preparation of food goes back a considerable ways in history. Possibly the earliest bulk herbs to be traded as commodities were cloves, cinnamon and pepper, most of that have been used in the Middle East for over 3,000 years. In the Old Testament, the collection of ancient Hebrew wedding songs called the Song of Solomon contains passages in that your bridegroom compares his bride with various spices, indicating that such dried herbs were available - if not common.

Another important botanical among organic spices that have been used since ancient times is horseradish, that has been used in the Passover Seder since at least 1500 BCE; the powerful, sinus-blasting wasabi variety is a stable of Japanese cuisine since the days of the shoguns.

In Europe, the earliest mention of spices is in the first Century writings of Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder, who identifies cloves. During medieval times, such bulk herbs were literally worth their weight in gold. Despite popular belief, organic spices were not used by medieval chefs to disguise the taste of rotten meat. Because of their extravagant cost, using precious bulk herbs in this fashion could have been regarded as tremendously wasteful. But, many dried herbs that were used as spice may be used to preserve meat and fish in the days before refrigeration.

New World Spices
When European explorers discovered the Americas, they also discovered a plethora of new organic spices that had hitherto been unknown. The best-known of they are of the chili pepper family, that was used by native peoples of Mexico and Mesoamerica for centuries. Chili peppers have found their way into cuisines from Africa and the Mediterranean to East Asia and Japan.

Organic Spices Today

Organic Spices in the form of bulk organic herbs are no longer expensive as they were as little as 500 years ago. The main reason is that organic bulk herbs in olden days might have been found in only one or two places in the world are now grown virtually all over the world.

That said, you can expect to cover somewhat more for bulk organic herbs, primarily because they are grown locally by small, independent farmers in relatively small quantities, and thus are less abundant. If you think about the flavor and health advantages of organic bulk herbs but, organic spices are still a bargain.

Resolving Shared Custody When You're Divorced

Resolving Shared Custody When You're Divorced

Image source: http://virginiafamilylawlawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/child-custody.jpg

I haven't found a single way out of or around what I consider one of the stickiest problems brought about by divorce: sharing custody of your children with your ex.

Divorce hurts. It is your natural inclination to move away from the hurt that divorce brings as rapidly as possible. If you never had to see your ex again, that would make the hurt dissipate. But your children deserve to have and enjoy the only parents they will ever have, regardless of what your feelings about your ex might be. So you can't move away from that particularly distasteful aspect of divorce: interfacing on some kind of regular basis with your ex because the two of you share custody.

Because you care so deeply about your children, about their success, and about their needs - in fact, you place them higher on your list than yourself most of the time - you are simply forced to find a way to make the interface with their other parent (your dreaded ex) work so that they don't feel any of the disturbance between the two of you.

How do you create a harmonious relationship with someone you are divorcing for the sake of your children? Here are some suggestions:

Keep Track of Their Good Points. You know them. You once fell in love with him/her because of them. They haven't gone away despite the fact that he wants to divorce you now. He still has those good points. You can choose to focus on those good points and allow your children to discover other aspects of his personality as they naturally mature. Kids deserve to love their mommy or daddy without any negative feedback.

Remain Objective. If you permit yourself to fall into entertaining only those ideas you whirl around inside your head, you've succumbed to "subjectivity." Of course your opinion is nasty! You've been hurt. Your kids have not experienced this nastiness from their other parent though. And they deserve to not know your nasty thoughts. They deserve to see their parents as simply powerful and wonderful. So set your nasty thoughts aside for their sake and remain objective about their mommy or daddy.

Don't Make Excuses - Be Factual. Okay, the ex has promised to pick up the kids for a weekend outing. You've got them bathed, slicked and ready. They're waiting on the couch. They've been waiting for an hour. He's past due and they're getting rambunctious. You call him. He "forgot" about picking them up. You know they are going to be disappointed. You don't have to say what a louse he is. You put them in the car, take them to the park yourself, and say "Daddy's not coming." Factual. Not loaded with emotional bias.

Use Legal Means to Keep Promises. You have a legal right for the commitments made in your divorce proceedings to be honored. Child Support can be collected for you. You don't need to burden your children with the fact that their daddy or mommy hasn't kept his/her commitment - again! Keep this kind of information to yourself and allow your children their concepts of their other parent until they have the maturity to understand the facts as they are if they are unpleasant.

I know a woman who's youngest son was six months old when she and his dad divorced. He spent the first sixteen years of his life cajoling her to get back together with his dad. He wanted an intact family. She did not want to mention his dad's homosexuality to her son, nor did she want to focus on his alcoholism and how it lead to verbal abuse when he was drinking. He loved his daddy and only saw that he was funny and took him to amusement parks frequently. He was his knight in shining armor. This lady worked to remain somewhat friendly with her son's father.

Once, when the boys had become young adults, she went on a camping trip where her ex got drunk and became verbally abusive, bringing up their old pre-divorce stuff. She did her best to calm him down, but both of their adult sons saw and heard the yuck. Her youngest son said "Mom, no one should ever be talked to that way." And she was finally able to tell him "This is the reason your dad and I could not remarry all those years when you wanted us to, son. I never wanted you to know about this."

Your children will look back when they become adults and be surprised at what you did not share with them because you cared enough to allow them to form whatever kind of relationship they could form with your ex despite all the nasty stuff you know about him. And your children will be grateful. Divorce and the shared custody problems isn't pleasant, but if you handle it correctly, maybe you can save yourself from that evil second dirovce.

Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

Researchers Take A Second Look at Gadolinium Dyes and NSF

Researchers Take A

Image source: http://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/23researchthings/files/2014/07/Fire-hydrant_Thing-151.jpg

Investigators and scientists from the Division of Nephrology at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center recently began reinvestigating the link between "gadolinium based magnetic resonance imaging agents and the development of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in patients with chronic kidney disease or acute kidney disease," according to an article from Uro Today, a publication for urologists.

The group of researchers are attempting to better understand the development of the rare condition as well as to provide more adequate details and regulation for administering gadolinium contrast dye among at-risk individuals.

The researchers believe that gadolinium-based contrast dyes should be given on a case-by-case basis and each individual should be thoroughly evaluated prior to receiving magnetic resonance imaging procedures that require the administration of such contrast dyes as gadolinium.

The scientists also found that the development of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) depends on "the degree of renal dysfunction, dose of contrast agent," according to the article. NSF is a new condition that develops among kidney disease patients who receive contrast dyes, such as gadolinium, for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).

Details of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

Nehprogenic Systemic Fibrosis is a condition that is relatively new to the medical community and develops among a small and rare population of individuals who receive gadolinium dyes during MRI/MRA procedures, however, the individuals who develop NSF also suffer from kidney disease or kidney failure.

Continued or chronic kidney disease is a condition that affects the kidney's ability to properly remove wastes within the body. Kidney disease can become fatal among patients who are not properly diagnosed or among individuals who suffer complications from kidney disease, which include the following, according to the National Kidney Foundation:

* high blood pressure

* anemia (low blood count)

* weak bones

* nerve damage

* poor nutritional health.

Kidney disease is the main common thread among patients who are diagnosed with NSF of patients who have also received contrast dyes during MRI/MRA procedures. NSF is a very painful and debilitating drug that can often affect an individual's mobility once the condition has advanced. According to the American Journal of Roentgenology, some of the NSF symptoms include:

* edema or swelling

* athralgia

* myalgia

* extremity weakness

* persistent skin fibrosis

* woody induration of skin

* skin tightness

* skin thickening

* stiffness in both lower and upper extremities

Treating NSF

Unfortunately, there are no current treatments for NSF that can adequately cure all signs and symptoms of the painful condition. But because the illness is a fairly new disease, physicians, scientists and researchers are continuing their work on trying to discover a treatment. However, it is important that an individual who has suffered from NSF contact an experienced medical attorney to better understand the legalities surrounding diagnosis of this disease. Because the disease is the cause of potential medical error it may be possible for an NSF victim to develop a gadolinium or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis lawsuit to earn monetary compensation for the painful and immobilizing disease.

To learn more about the condition, consult an attorney who is knowledgeable of the development NSF derived from gadolinium dyes. A legal consultation is often free of charge and will offer insightful details as to the steps in creating an NSF litigation.



Image source: http://chitinc.com/img/cloud%20computing%20sidebar.jpg

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Most Popular Summer Garden Plants

Most Popular Summer Garden Plants

Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/44/f2/0d/44f20d773e689e96c4c1f7278355f2fa--summer-flowers-flowers-garden.jpg

Gardening trends are just the same as any other fashion. They come and go, new plants and design styles splash onto the scene, along with old favourites that just won't go away. Here are a few to whet your appetite.

Roses never go out of fashion they will always be one of the most popular garden plants there are. With new varieties coming out every year it is hard to keep up. A great new collection of fragrant roses has arrived with two in the traditional style white with yellow cores , Alister Stella Grey and Big Ben and a couple of peach coloured one's Coral Gem and Always You are my favourites. Grown in full sun with a fertile soil, roses will always put a smile on your face.

A large proportion of gardens these days have poor light conditions so not surprisingly, shade loving plants are increasingly sought after. Ferns are an obvious choice for a low light level situation. With a vast array of shapes, sizes and growing requirements there are ferns out there to suit all tastes and pockets. A complete layered canopy can be achieved using a variety of Tree Ferns for the main structure. Coming down with some of the larger varieties of male ferns for the midrange. Western Maidenhair, Hartstongue and Lady Fern all blend seamlessly to the floor. Many varieties of ivy exist and give year round body and compliment this style of the garden well.

With gardens getting smaller and smaller container gardening is by necessity gaining in popularity

 While most people go for annuals in their pots such as Marigolds, Begonias, Petunias or Surfinias many are opting for perennial and evergreen plants for a more structured look. Japanese style gardens lend themselves very well to container gardening with Acers and Bamboos selling very well. A great favourite still is Acer Purpureum with wonderful colours and structure it will grow very happily in a large pot. Fargesia Robusta bamboo gives good height and its stripped stems contrasting very well with the purple leaves, means they go great together. Especially now that growing exotic plants in the UK is becoming a trend.

Healthy eating is a big part of life these days and there is no better way than to grow your own vegetables and herbs

There are plenty of compact ways inveted by ingenious gardeners around the world, because free space is not a resource everyone has. Container gardening, for example lets you harvest tremendous quantities of crops relative to the area used. Moreover having your veggies home grown is a way to make sure you eat what you think you eat. Contrary to popular belief you don't need a lot of space to be a successful producer of some very fine food, gardening experts say. Healthy eating is an option, and this doesn't exclude tasty. When you grow your own crops at home you are doing it mostly organic which results in rich taste and delicious meals after! Summer, being the fruitful season it is, offers plenty of choices in terms of plants you can fill your table with later. For example potatoes, that old staple can be grown in a stack of old tyres. Pink Fir potatoes don't even need that they can be grown in an old wooden fruit box and boiled, served with butter, they taste divine. Why not try growing Ruby Chard among your border plants, it looks great and tastes fabulous. Courgettes and squashes come in many varieties and can be very decorative. Popular at the moment are, Atena a compact yellow fruiting variety with sweet creamy flesh, Patio star a very compact plant idea for containers and Siesta a spineless yellow fruiting type with white striping to its leaves.

Salad veg is so easy to grow that it is always in favour

Spring onions and curly leaved lettuce and endives are high up the list with very little work you have an abundant crop all summer long. As most herbs are strong growers and have a lot of uses they have always been a garden great. Summer is the time of cocktails and barbeques and a few herbs are essential for both. Mint in its many forms can be used for those refreshing Mojitos as well as for the lamb kebabs. With so many to choose from it's a good idea to have a few growing. As there is an abundance of variegated leaved types they can be decorative as well. Lemon mint and Pineapple mint add a different dimension to potatoes and I guess the old favourites spearmint and peppermint will always be with us. Rosemary is a must for lamb and roast potatoes and lavender is having a bit of a renaissance being used more and more in recipes once again. Thyme is used in so many things, including medicinal remedies, it has to be included. The smell of a rampant herb patch in summer warms the soul clears the mind and gives vigour to the body. Not to mention the beneficial impact it has on insect life.

The relaxed style you can achieve with cottage garden plants will never go out of favour 

Swathes of delphiniums and foxgloves mixed in with perennial ornamental grasses such as Spanish Oats are like a watercolour come to life. You can pack them in creating a riot of colour and scent daylilies, penstemons, verbena and chrysanthemums all sit well together, aesthetically improving your simple wood deck for the eyes of envious passersby's. 

If you are a fashionista in all things you will have to pay close attention to the major flower shows 

Every year multitudes of new plants and garden ideas for refreshing uses for existing ones abound at the flower shows. For example at the 2014 Chelsea Flower Show the pink poppy Papaver dubium subsp lecoqii var albiflora used by Cleve West in the M&G garden to stunning effect and wowed the crowds. I am positive it will be sold out by now. As I mentioned before trends come and go but the old classics are here to stay for some time to come.

Mob vs. Man in Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird

Mob vs. Man in Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird

Image source: http://img.sparknotes.com/content/sparklife/sparktalk/2014/spidermanhighrescontestphoto_MediumWide.jpg

Huck Finn and Scout Finch are two of American literature's most memorable and endearing narrators. One of the reasons they offer such fresh perspectives on the world is that they're still at the age where wiping your hands on the tablecloth is a pardonable offense. In other words, their being only partly "sivilized" not only gives them an outsider's perspective on the community, adulthood, and social convention, but also allows them to critique their findings with a certain level of immunity.

While the two stories have a lot of thematic overlap (i.e. rambunctious preteen narrators grappling with racism and social conditioning), one of the more interesting points of comparison is their portrayals of mob mentality, which is inherently tied up in the larger overall social behavior that Huck and Scout are both actively resisting. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a lynch mob develops in response to the shooting of a good-natured drunk. Gathering makeshift weapons and clotheslines, a faceless, leaderless crowd amasses in the front yard of the shooter, Colonel Sherburn, who then proceeds to do absolutely nothing.

Looking over the crowd, Sherburn laughs, remarking that "a MAN'S safe in the hands of ten thousand of your kindas long as it's daytime and you're not behind him." Sherburn then explains that a mob is a) the "pitifulest" thing on earth, b) only successful if at least one real "man" is present, and c) "BENEATH pitifulness" without any man leading it. With the spell broken, the crowd scatters like cockroaches - Huck included (though he insists he "could a stayed if [he] wanted to").

Rather than appeal to his townspeople's individual humanity, Sherburn uses the fact that they are a crowd against them; by reminding members everyone that their power is borrowed from their numbers, Sherburn makes himself the strongest person present by default. And because the mob lacks so much as one individual figurehead to look to for direction (or use as a psychological scapegoat), everyone becomes aware of their own cowardice (not to mention, culpability) in the matter.

To Kill a Mockingbird offers a very different depiction of mob psychology. Scout Finch's father, Atticus, has a run-in of his own after agreeing to defend a black man in court in 1930's Alabama. Expecting trouble one particular night, Atticus stands guard for his client outside the jailhouse door and is none too surprised when four cars pull up full of angry men. Although he holds firm, Scout and Jem unexpectedly crash the scene before we have a chance to see if Atticus prevails.

Picking the familiar face of Mr. Cunningham out of the crowd, Scout tries to strike up a friendly conversation in the way that only a seven-year-old can - but because her overtures at friendship are so mind-bogglingly out-of-place, everyone is stunned into silence. Racking her brain for topics, Scout tries to discuss the Mr. Cunningham's legal troubles as well as his son (who was "real nice" about the fact that Scout "beat him up one time") before finally getting him to speak. Reminded at last of the fact that he is a father, family friend, and human being, Mr. Cunningham comes to his senses, acknowledges Scout's regards, and tells the mob to call it a night.

In contrast to Sherburn's mob, Atticus's mob is dismantled by being reminded that it isn't just an anonymous group; every man in it is somebody's father, brother, uncle, son, husband, friend, etc., just like Atticus Finch himself. Moreover, the fact that their intended victim's daughter not only cannot conceive of what they intend to do, but also wants to make friends is a startling splash of water in all their faces.

In the event that you don't have an adorable seven-year-old handy, however, simply calling everyone a bunch of cowards will do just fine too.

Michael Jackson Thawed Out MJ Nose Transplanted onto Serena Williams

Michael Jackson Thawed

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dd/6b/76/dd6b7688ffd87c27bb469149969f2b2a--pop-figures-vinyl-figures.jpg

Elvis has left the building but the most famous part of Michael Jackson is back on center court. This week Stephen Hawking said that the only way for human beings to escape extinction from nuclear wars, global warming, overpopulation and reality television was to go to live in outer space. Michael Jackson and Stephen Hawking were close friends. Stephen Hawking was the one who turned Michael Jackson onto cryonics, freezing the body after death to enable it to be Lazarusized when the technology becomes available, or the King of Kings returns, whichever comes first.

Do you remember how long it took to bury Michael Jackson? Finally a date was set but then Farrah Fawcett had the nerve to be buried on The King's burial date. This was his first date since he married The King's daughter. Eventually a fake burial was staged for Michael Jackson. Why was there no private or public viewing? Who has their funeral at the Staples Center?

Here is the official story: Michael Jackson was interred at Forest Lawn cemetary in Los Angeles, in Forest Lawn's Great Mausoleum, in a crypt in the Holly Terrace Section. What's a crypt? Is this like Kryptonite? Superman's parents launched Superman into outer space just before the destruction of their planet. Stephen Hawking, the world's smartest man is now getting his ideas to save mankind from Marvel.

In fact, Michael Jackson is now frozen stiff in Scottsdale, Arizona at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Dr. Conrad Murray's defense is that Michael Jackson isn't dead, he's just sleeping. Serena Williams has now been added to Dr. Conrad Murray's witness list because last week at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation a team of world renowned scientists including Stephen Hawking thawed out Michael Jackson's nose and transplanted it onto Serena Williams.

This is the reason that Serena Williams withdrew from the upcoming US Open. Serena's new nose is still not on tight enough yet. How embarrassing would it be for Serena Williams to have her nose fall off on match point in front of a world wide audience? As a condition of Serena's probation for last year's meltdown at the US Open she must not cause any more commotions or face a ban from major tournaments. Would it be a commotion if Serena's nose fell off during play, she continued the rally with a gaping hole in her face, and women and children ran screaming from Arthur Ashe Stadium hysterically? Anyways Serena looks fabulous; she went from looking like Marvin Hagler with a wig to looking like Mariah Carey. Michael Jackson always wanted to win a major and it looks like Nike has now arranged it.

Jumat, 29 Desember 2017



Image source: http://ohmyveggies.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/lentil_varieties.jpg

are associated with the human food for thousands of years. Western Asia is believed to be the origin place of the lentils. They are available in different colors including green, brow, red, black, orange, etc.
The color, shape and size of lentils vary depending upon its type. However, mostly, all types of lentil are available throughout the year. Fresh lentils cannot be used for the consumption. Only dry lentils are included in the human meal. Many countries including US, India, Australia, Canada, Bangladesh, Turkey, Iran, and Ethiopia grow the lentils.
All over the world, there are numerous varieties of lentils are available. However, white, yellow and red lentils are widely used. After removing their seed coat, they are sold in the market. Seeds with the coat, split ones, and the whole lentils are also available for you to buy. You can use lentils to make curries, soups, salads and various other rice cuisines. are easily available and are healthy and tasty food.
are enriched with the proteins. They contain more than 25% proteins in it. People who cannot afford expensive meat or vegetable, their need of protein can be fulfilled with the lentils. They contain other minerals, vitamins, amino acid, dietary fiber, and folate, as well.
Lentil consumption is helpful for lowering cholesterol. Dietary fiber of lentil helps to lower down the cholesterol. The considerable amount of folate and magnesium in lentils restrain the damages to artery walls of the heart. Due to its iron content, it is known as a good energy supplier. It provides slow and steady energy which constrains sudden increment in the blood sugar after having a meal. Some of the studies claim that lentils are useful to prevent the breast cancer, as well.
have a mild flavor and tastes best when are cooked with the assertive flavored ingredients. , generally, hold their shape after cooking, but you can smash them easily, if cooked well. There is no need to soak the lentils. Unlike beans and peas, you can cook them up anytime without prior preparations.
Bigger lentils take longer time to cook and vice versa. You should keep in mind that, salt slows down the cooking speed of lentils. So, add salt only when you have finished cooking. One cup of the dried lentils will yield 3 cups of the cooked ones. absorb other flavors and seasonings. So, if they are cooked with assertive flavors, they will give the best taste.
While buying lentils, make sure that there are no insect damages, and they are not cracked. Remove foreign articles, shivered lentils and debris. Rinse them well in water and discard the water completely. Spread them in the dish or on the cloth and let them dry. Once they are dried, they are ready to cook.
Cooking method:
Take a sauce pan. Add adequate water in it. Use 3 cups of water for one cup of lentils. Let the water boil vigorously and then add washed and dried lentils in it. It is better adding lentils in boiling water than brought them to boil with the water. Green lentils usually take 30 minutes where as red ones takes about 20 minutes.
Determine the firmness according to the dish for which you will use these lentils. Soups and salads need firmer texture while curries require bit mushy lentils. When the desired results are achieved, remove the pan from the gas.
Dont discard the hot water immediately. absorb water which makes them juicy and tasty. Let them be in a hot water for few minutes and then discard the water. Avoid using this discarded water for the preparation of final dish as it may change the color of final dish and may leave an unpleasant stink.
You can season these lentils with your favorite herbs and spices. Fresh lemon juice, vinegars, herbs works really well with the lentils. Add the salt after lentils are completely cooked otherwise it will make them hard and tough. Older lentils take longer time to cook. So, do not mix old lentils with the new ones. It may give an uneven result.
You can use these cooked lentils for any recipes including rice, soups or curries.
Dry lentils have a long shelf life if they are stored properly. It is considered as a staple food for its durability. Store them in a cool and dry place in an airtight container. The color may fade away with time, but the quality will remain the same with few alterations.
Cooked lentils can be used even after one week from which they are cooked. Just make sure they are refrigerated in an air tight container. The frozen lentils kept in air tight container can be used even after six months. However, it might adversely affect their taste and quality.

In-depth Guide to Treatment Dental Implants

In-depth Guide to Treatment Dental Implants

Image source: http://www.njperioimplant.com/files/2013/10/fig1.png

One of the best solutions for missing teeth is dental implants. They look and function just like natural teeth and their daily care routine is the same as well. The procedure of getting implants is quite safe and the success rate is around 98%. Here's a breakdown of the dental implants process to help you understand exactly what it entails.

The Dental Implant Process

1) Initial Consultation

The doctors first need to check if there's enough jawbone present for an implant. They can easily determine this with the help of X-rays and CT scans. If there's enough bone, They can easily proceed; if not, they will first carry out bone grafting.

2) Insertion of Implant

During this stage doctors perform a surgical procedure to insert a small, screw-like, titanium post into the jawbone; in place of the miss9ing tooth. Most doctors place a healing cap over the implant as a temporary cover to keep it clean.

3) Healing Period

After the implant has been inserted, the jawbone and the surrounding gum tissues need some time to heal. During this healing period, the jawbone fuses with the implant to form a sturdy anchor for the artificial tooth.

4) Placing the Abutment

Once the jaw is healed and the bone and the implant are well fused, a minor surgery is carried out to expose the head of the implant. This is done to remove the healing cap and attach a small abutment over the implant.

5) Healing Period

Again, after placing the abutment on top of the implant, the gum tissues need some time to heal around it. Doctors may affix a temporary cap on top of the abutment for the duration of this healing period.

6) Affixing the Crown

After placing the abutment, doctors take an impression of the teeth so that they can start building the permanent crown. When it's ready and the gums have healed, doctors take out the temporary cap and affix the permanent crown over the abutment.

Are Dental Implants Reliable?

 It is estimated that roughly 3 million people have tooth implants in the US alone
 500000 people get dental implants per year in the US.
 Dental Implant success rates are 95% or higher over 10 years.
 Dental implants provide the feel, function, and appearance of natural teeth.
 Implants involve minimally-invasive techniques and have a success rate higher than any other tooth replacement system.

What Happens IF you do not opt for a dental implant

At least 1 neighboring tooth will migrate & recline towards the empty space. Soon, teeth in abnormal positions will deform and even break.
Periodontal disease is 50% more likely and may be the cause for a new extraction.
The teeth near the gap will develop caries 7 times faster. Because they move and their root is exposed.
Because you are missing a tooth on one side of the mouth you will put other teeth under more pressure & they will break faster.
Other solutions will affect the structure of surrounding teeth, need constant care and do not replicate natural teeth correctly.

The Advantages of Dental Implants


Dental implants look and feel just like your natural teeth Unlike other options, dental implants help preserve the jaw bone. Implants help prevent a sunken-in appearance that can result from missing teeth.


Dental implants are rooted into the jaw bone, making them strong and stable. Your implants won't get in the way when you are going about your daily life. Implants are the best choice for stability when replacing missing teeth.


When taken care of properly, dental implants can last a lifetime, as opposed to dental bridges, which may only last 5-10 years. Implants should only need occasional adjustments and regular dental care.


You'll have regular check-ups with your dentist to make sure your implants heal properly. Care for them as you do your natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing. Dental implants are not susceptible to tooth decay, but you should still practice good dental hygiene.

Neighboring Teeth

Some tooth replacement options require neighbouring teeth to be ground away. Dental implant simply fills the space left behind by your natural teeth. Neighbouring teeth are left along so dental implants have no impact on them.

Humor, The Spice of Life

Humor, The Spice of Life

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/e6/29/82e629c72a161159e52ea1210847e9b5.jpg

The daily trials of life and living take a toll on our mental attitute of what life should be like for us. We take the world too seriously. Children never worry, they're too busy experiencing life and what it offers.

As adults we all have busy lifestyles, but the fact is the busier we get, the more we need laughter and humor. Laughter, we've been told, by more than just Reader's Digest, is the best medicine. After all a grin uses far fewer facial muscles than a frown. So unless you feel a great need to exercise more of your facial muscles than necessary, a smile, a grin, chuckle will make you feel a whole lot better than worrying about bills and the future.

There's a story (possibly true) that a man with cancer cured himself simply by reading funny stories and watching funny movies. There's something to laughter that does the soul good. Consider the Dalai Lama and how often he smiles and laughs. You'd expect him to wear a frown and walk around angry at the Chinese and what they did to his country and its peoples. Yet he goes on to smile!

I just have to admire a man like that. Humble and yet keeps smiling despite his difficulty. Too many people approach a difficult situation with gut wrenching determination and the attitude of a steam roller ready to squash anyone that stands in their way.

The world needs more humor, more laughter. There ought to be a dedicated team of professionals whose only ain is to wipe out the sour looks that most of us carry around on a daily basis.

To put a smile on our faces doesn't require a college education. All we need is a simple change of attitutde. Here are some pointers:

SMILE! I remember a gal named Lillian. Everyone liked her simply because she had an infectious smile and a great attitude. She'd greet you as if you were the most important person she ever met. Diamond Lily lived up to her billing and didn't let anything upset her. The fact that she resembled Mama Cass in face and form was hardly noticeable by all the guys. I even moved into her apartment right by the Decarie Boulevard in Montreal where the smog, traffic noises and winter chills were sure to wreck havoc on my health. I stayed only to live out the balance of her rental clause. I just wouldn't have done that for any other woman, but I sure was happy to do it for Lily! Just imagine where a genuine smile can take you! It CAN get you out of a pickle in more than one occurence. How can anyone who intends to do you harm face up to a smile? A smile just diffuses a nasty situation.

Read humorous books and watch funny movies. There's plenty at your local video shop. Of course, what tickles the funny bone for one doesn't work for the next guy. I can get a chuckle with a one-liner from Bob Hope as I can from watching Dumb and Dumber for the fourth time (No, I haven't watched it that many time, but I'll get around to it). Someone is likely to join a terrorist group when I say I actually LIKED Laugh-In.

BE CHILD-LIKE. I didn't say CHILDISH. The fact is that children are naturals at smiling and laughter. The world is a wonder, seldom fraught with perils for them. In fact children smile and laugh ten to one hundred times more than adults. Or sure they don't have a mortgage to worry about, but you and me know that worrying about it won't make the bills go away.

So you roasted the pot roast too much? Don't cry over it. Your pot roast won't improve if you baste it with your tears.

ATTITUDE...Attitude! What happens when you start talking to a stranger? Undoubtedly you're looking for his ulterior motive. He wants something from you, so you guard your wallet with an alarm system. Why can't we just talk and communicate without having to think that someone other than the government is out to drain our bank accounts?

REALIZE the impermanence in all things. Let's get back to Lily for a moment. Do you think she'll be easily forgotten by all those people she met? Of course not. Life is short and if you want to be remembered you can: a) become a notorius dictator that instills fear, loathing and terror into the people. b) achieve great things only to fail at life and relationships. Everyone has heard of Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. Famous yes, but would you want to emulate them? c) become like Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalia Lama.

The simple point is that humor, an infectious attitude will spread far more and do more to create a better world than just terror alone. And likely you'll be remembered far longer than any dictator.

So cultivate humor like you'd cultivate your garden. Like a glorious flower or fully ripened fruit, humor will eventually dispense the weeds of life.

How to Tile a Shower

How to Tile a Shower

Image source: https://usercontent2.hubstatic.com/5078439_f1024.jpg

Tiling a shower is a relatively straightforward job, providing you have properly prepared ahead of time. To do this, you will first need to need to remove the old tiles and clean up the backing board. This is assuming the backing board is in good condition and that your vapor barrier is intact and still doing its job. A vapor barrier prevents mold and mildew from forming, which could cause dampness in your bathroom. Therefore, you want to be certain it is in good shape. If the backer board and vapor barrier are not in good shape, they will need to be replaced as well.

Marking a Line

With the shower pan installed and the backing board properly cleaned, you will then need to make a mark that is equivalent to the height of a tile plus a half-inch more. Then, transfer this line all the way around the shower, as this will give you a lip over the edge of the tile pan.

Applying the Thinset

Before starting with the thinset, or the tile adhesive, you need to dampen the cement board with a sponge, ensuring that the adhesive does not dry out too quickly. Use the trowel to spread on some thinset and use the notched trowel to give it texture for the tile to adhere to. If you press it on with a slight twist, it will provide good coverage in the grooves on the back of the tile and improve the stick.

Gapping the Tiles

You can finish the bottom row in the same way, using tile spacers to ensure that the gaps between the tiles are even and not too large. Keep in mind that these gaps will later be filled with grout. So, if they are too large, it will look odd.

Letting it Dry

It is a good idea to let the bottom row dry for around 24 hours. This way, the tile will not slide when the upper tiles are applied. In addition, they will give the higher rows of tiles a good base.

Moving Up

You can now continue to the top of the shower by adding additional rows of tiles. When you reach the top, if the tiles do not fit exactly, you will need to cut them to size. Tiles around any fittings, like pipes, showerheads or controls, will need to be clipped into shape and filed smooth.

Grouting the Tiles

After the tiles have set for 48 hours, they can be grouted. Either mix the grout yourself or use the premixed version. A sponge float can be used to smooth it into the gaps left between the tiles. Thanks to the spacers, these should be all relatively small and even. Check on the back of the grout bag to see how long you need to leave it in place. Then, wipe the excess away with a damp sponge until the tiles are clear and there is no residue remaining. The grout will need 24-48 hours to dry completely before you can apply the final sealing.

As a final note, you might want to use plastic sheeting or similar to protect the shower pan from any drips of grout or, worse, an accidentally dropped tile, which could crack or mark it. If you don't feel confident taking on this job yourself, perhaps taking a tiling course might help. Not only will you learn the basics of tiling, you can learn some advanced techniques as well.

How to Progress a Story's Plot

How to Progress a Story's Plot

Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Freytags_pyramid.svg/2000px-Freytags_pyramid.svg.png

You've got this great idea to start a story off. It may be the location, the first few lines of dialogue between friends, friction between two antagonists, or a host of other beginnings, then - you just run out of steam. Who hasn't been there? Here's an idea or two of how to get past that first stumbling block and progress your story's plot.

First, ask yourself what it was about those first few words that got you excited? Was it the characters themselves, was it the dialogue between them, or maybe the sparks between them. Try to nail down in your own mind just what it was because this can be the key to getting on with the plot.

Let's look at a couple of examples.


A couple of characters have presented themselves to you and you've got some dialogue down. You're delighted with the way they interact and you feel a glow of satisfaction at the scene so far. But it isn't going anywhere. You don't want to break up their relationship but no storyline presents itself. In that situation lies your answer.

At this point you have to bring in something which interrupts the status quo. It may be some innocuous bit of friction between them that grows and threatens to tear them apart, or it may be something from outside their friendship that either pulls them apart or brings them closer because of a shared threat. Don't worry if it's the former - they can come together again in the finale.


You've got this amazing location, real or imaginary, that really moves you. It may be exotic, idyllic, wild, peaceful. Whatever it is, you feel an emotional thrill and think, "I could write a story about this". You get the initial description down and it all comes to a stop. What to do?

Again, as with the friendship above, bring into the scene something that changes that first emotive impression. In an idyllic setting it could be a clifftop struggle that ends in tradgedy, in a wild landscape it could be a couple of runaways finding shelter in a derelict cottage and making a home - if only temporary - in such an inhospitable spot.

In both cases, the secret is to move away from the first impression you present to the reader. This can be done in a multitude of various ways. Just use your imagination and ask yourself 'what if...' - it will soon fall into place.

Think of the classic senario: boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back again. It's the same thing. Break up the first emotive scene, take your characters through hell and high water, but then bring them back to the first situation. And there you have your plot!

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Help For Single Mom - Things to Do and to Avoid in Being a Single Mother

Help For Single Mom - Things to Do and to Avoid in Being a Single Mother

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/b3/12/c5b312a69a741ea98c36f8ce3972022d.jpg

There are a lot of things to do and to avoid in being a single mother. Once you have known the basics of the things that need to be done and those that should be avoided in being a single mother, then you would definitely know what to do and how to handle every situation that you will face in your parenthood. You do not even need to learn about Child Psychology do be able to respond appropriately.

Enumerating the do's and don'ts on being an effective single mother would seem impossible because of the countless things involved in it. However, a single mother would only need to know a few to be able to raise her child properly. The basic principle behind all the parenting tricks is to make your child your number one priority. Whenever you lack out of answers and reasons to back up your decision, always think if your decision is the best decision for your child. Some of the things that you should avoid are divorce and dating discussions. Factors that can affect your decisions and logical thinking would include stress and anxiety. With the presence of these factors, you can actually make wrong decisions for your child which can only be apparent in the future.

Discussions that should be avoided by the single mother with her child

Actually, there are more sensitive topics that are discussed between single parents and their children. Usually, as the children ages, they tend to ask more about where their father is, how they were born and anything that involves having a complete family. Discussions like these would be hard for women who had given birth through artificial insemination and those single mothers who opt to be single. When these children start to ask about babies, then your answers should also be appropriate for their age. Keep in mind that when your child reaches the teenager years, he/she would begin to understand everything better.

Being a single mother, you should be able to instill proper values to your child. Based from a study, teens have an active sex life before they even reach their senior year. However, despite the fact that teenagers are doing this, not all parents are able to suspect it. In order to prevent occurrences of teen pregnancy, as a single mother, you should be able to explain that to your teenage daughter.

When you are discussing topics with your children, you should be able to carefully select the words because every word that will come out of your mouth will be instilled to your child permanently.

Probably, the most influencing factor for the sexual activities of young people is media. A lot of shows being aired on the television contain scenes that are not suitable for the eyes of young children and teenagers. Often times, teenagers who regularly watch these shows are more likely to get pregnant early than those who don't. One of the best ways that a single mother can do in order to prevent the occurrence of early pregnancy is to make sure that the influencing factors such as television is eliminated. Since a single mother have to work for more hours, then it will be quite difficult to control which shows to avoid. Thus, the mother can choose other sources of entertainment that can be controlled for her child.

A single mother can train her child upon closing doors and opening doors

When the child is still young, a single mother should train the child to always say I love you, whenever leaving the room or entering it. Once the child is used to hugs and kisses whenever they enter the room or leave the house, they'd still do that manner even if they grow up to become adults. You'd even be able to detect whether your child starts to smoke through their smell.

Comforting the child and addressing needs should always be the priority of single parents. It is always better to listen to what your child has to say rather than passing on your judgment to them without even hearing their side or letting them explain. Your child too has feelings that you should not disregard and take for granted.

When a single mother starts to date, it could be an issue to the child. Therefore, the single mother and her date should always show respect for each other whenever they're in front of their children.

It is important that you provide your children with all the love and care that they need.

For more information on single mother pregnancy as well as government single mother programs , visit http://www.singlema.com, the resource portal with support and assistance programs for single mothers

Get Out Of Your Own Way

Get Out Of Your Own Way

Image source: https://lifecoachingbymelanie.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/wpid-img_20150913_120110.jpg

One of the biggest obstacles to our self growth and personal development is.................ourselves!

No, make that THE biggest obstacle.

When we say that we want to make changes, but develop resistance and fear and in doing so an internal battle follows.

It's natural to feel scared and apprehensive when venturing into the unknown, but ultimately living within your comfort zone is all very safe, but not very life enhancing.

Taking risks can bring up a whole host of emotions. But what are e-motions? They are energy in motion. They are the stories we tell ourselves, that's all. What's the difference in feeling scared or excited? Only our interpretation.

Life makeover programmes are very popular in the UK at the moment. The whole theme behind the programmes is that people take risks: in getting back or starting the dating game, clearing their clutter (and all the emotional stuff that they've been hanging onto), change jobs and even being coached within six weeks to do something completely different.

A Barrister is coached to become a DJ, A Choirgirl becomes a rock musician. A Radiographer becomes a commercial photographer and fooling the experts who don't realise that they are "novices".

The most moving part of the program is the follow up - often a year later - where the program catches up with the risk takers and find that, as a result of this, their lives have changed immeasurably. Their self perception, self esteem, confidence and overall outlook on life and what they are capable of has changed forever.

Are you avoiding taking risks? Have you got into a rut? Try setting yourself a goal of taking one small (or large - if you're up for it - some people can only get excited and motivated if they've set themselves a BIG challenge) risk for yourself, every week, month, year and follow through.

See what happens. Engage or enlist encouragement and support if you want. But DON'T tie yourself or become overly concerned with the outcome, just taking the risk is enough. Reward yourself appropriately after you've done so.

Our risk taking abilities are like muscles, the more we use them, the stronger we become and fear loses its grip on our lives. The fear never goes away as you take more risks, but it does stop defining your life. Fear is only an indicator that you are growing - it's not meant to stop you in your tracks!

So get out of your own way and stop resisting the changes that you want to make and the risks you are going to take.

Because ultimately.............daring to dream and living a fulfilled life is the biggest risk of all!

Frbiz.com Reported Average U.S. Household Spends $1,400 Annually on Consumer Electronics

Frbiz.com Reported Average U.S. Household Spends $1,400 Annually on Consumer Electronics

Image source: http://www.gogofinder.com.tw/books/pida/6/s/1372218172xjpd6GrQ.jpg

The average U.S. household reports spending US$1,405 on consumer electronics products in the past 12 months, $120 more than the year before, according to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). The 10th Annual Household CE Ownership and Market Potential Study shows that HDTVs will have the highest growth in household penetration rates this year.

'More than 50% of American homes already own a digital television and it looks like high definition, or HDTV, has the potential to match that household penetration by the end of the year,' said Chris Ely, CEA's senior analyst. 'With the transition to digital television on February 17, 2009, lower HDTV prices and an increased awareness of the benefits of high definition, many consumers are deciding to upgrade their televisions.'

Cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras and laptop computers are also driving growth in the industry. 'Consumers are seeking portable consumer electronics products,' Ely continued. 'The ability to listen to music, check email and make calls while on the go is what consumers want.'

The increasing popularity of multi-functional devices has led to a slight drop in the average number of consumer electronics (CE) products owned per household, from 25 products in 2007 to 24 in 2008. As devices combine functions, consumers are able to consolidate their products. 'Consumers can now take pictures on their cell phones or watch DVDs using their portable GPS system,' Ely explained. 'Consumers also owned dual products for years, such as a DVD player and a VCR combined into one unit. Now, consumers can transfer their content to a multi-function portable device and take it with them.'

The demographics of a household also determine CE purchases. Households with three or more people report owning 32 devices compared to just 17 for smaller households. Men also tend to own a larger number of, and spend more on, CE products, on average, than women. The study shows the average man reports owning 25 CE devices and will spend more than $1,000 on CE products in 2008 compared to the average women, who owns 21 devices and will spend $600. However, women are far less likely than men to consider CE products in the house 'theirs personally.' Women are also increasingly influencing their households' CE purchases. Some 45% of all retail CE purchases in 2007 were made by women at the checkout counter. Consumers 45 years old and younger, those with children in the home and those with higher incomes tend to spend more on CE products than the average adult.

Filing Divorce Form is the Biggest Decision any Wife Made

Filing Divorce Form is the Biggest Decision any Wife Made

Image source: https://www.rocketlawyer.net/np/uploaded_images/np_document_previews/Sample-Affidavit-of-Consent-Form-Template.png

There are points in life which we need to make decisions that can completely change our lives forever. One is when the wife decides to give up the marriage that she thought can give her happiness. It is neither a simple nor an ordinary decision to make as there are persons that can be affected like the children and family. Any woman who comes up with this decision must be struggling to make her marriage happy or even harmonious. It needs a lot of time and thoughts before finally deciding to file for divorce.
However there is no need for the wife to suffer more if she is not happy at all with her husband. She could be better off without him and only with her children. Divorce decision is such a painful and tragic on my own opinion as there is no woman who got married that never has the love for her husband. No matter how much the wife love the husband and understand him if he does not make any action to nourish the relationship and his wife love for him all will slowly melts away. For battered wife the only solution to her problem is to give up the marriage because she believes that she is free when it's granted. But there are marriages that even after divorce the husband still bother and rule over the wife's life. As I see it through the only solution is the wife to move away from him. Giving him all the freedom he need after the petition to be granted.

There are cases where the divorce is not enough protection for the battered wife from the husband. And in some cases the wife uses the divorce to sue the husband's property and end up nothing. Either way it is still the biggest decision to make for any couple or wife and husband to get divorce. It is not easy to left behind your partner for so many years that you has been given your promise to live with each other "In sickness and health, richer or poorer until death do us part" There must be some events in life that you both are happy together and enjoying life to the fullest every day. Yes life changes all the time and so sad to see that there are husbands that easily forgot their promise. So sad to see, why it is necessary for the wife to decide and file petition for divorce.
Therefore if you have no intention of filing the forms for divorce make sure that the man or woman that you are going to marry is "The One" not only because you see him as you "Mr. Right" it is not easy to go through the process and the cost is not low as well. The cost of divorce is more than the amount that you had spent for your wedding. Think about getting married again and again; make sure you are not doing another mistake all over again.

Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Liu XiaodongArt Review

Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Liu XiaodongArt Review

Image source: http://img4.tbcdn.cn/tfscom/i2/2266839981/TB2U2FFbFXXXXbOXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!2266839981.jpg

Mr.Liu Xiaodong, was born in 1963 in Liaoning province, and began to study painting in Central Academy of Fine Arts since 1980, In 1988 Liu Xiaodong graduated in the oil painting department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, then stayed in the affiliate school and acted as a teacher till now.

Liu Xiaodong had ever taken part in "1988 Mou Su Exhibition", "1989 Chinese Modern Art Show", "Memorize the centenary of Van Gogh's Death Art Show (1990)" and so on.

In May 1995, Liu Xiaodong held his first individual art show, and his oil painting work "Yawning Man Model" finished in his school days won the first prize of students works in 1987.

Liu Xiaodong is one of representatives of the"new generation", who is a powerful character that prominent in the early 90s of the 20th century, and is a representative of groups featured with unique style in Beijing areaWith his realistic techniques of expression, Liu Xiaodong has become a representative man who on behalf of a new generation of artists.

Compared with artists who favorite with concept, behaviors and installation, Liu Xiaodong is indeed belongs to a realistic group, he loved to express things and people that existed in the real-life. With these familiar things and people, Liu Xiaodong expressed his feelings and experience on the life.

Liu Xiaodong is a very easy-going man, he likes "family trees of human" and things like this, when he depicted people who are sitting, standing, holding or alienating and taken in embarrassment, under his paint brush it showing his vague awareness of the world. Indeed, human are always pass down and take the evolution based on a clear family tree, while the life exist in a relation that not so clear.

Liu Xiaodong observed the world with such a mentality: his oil painting is a reflection of his inner world, as well as an important window to understand him, through the expressions of his own experience of life, Liu Xiaodong has formed his unique "realism" style, that is, characteristics of the so-called "new generation".

The overall features of artworks of the new generation of artists refer to use realistic or photo-realism techniques to express scenes or occasions happed in the real life, these scenes and occasions are not contained the artist's own attitude of negative or positive exactly, and what's more is an expression reveal of a sort of "stand aside" mind.

Liu Xiaodong's painting composition is optional, figure motions and expressions are naturally formed inadvertently. He oil painting works somewhere are not been managed particularly, but people did not feel uncomfortable, instead they felt "it's ok too", or "in fact it should be this way actually", and gave recognitions to Liu Xiaodong. This is also an outstanding point of the "New Genertion", artists are always try to capture new things in the real life, and this type of casual expression reflects the mind of people who living in cities, as well as meet the people's culture tastes.

In the 20th century, the old creation system of realism oil paintings have been withdraw from the stage of history gradually, and the more positions being occupied by a group of subsequent young artists prominent later, these artists are basically rooted in traditions deeply, such as Liu Xiaodong and other "new generation" artists, all has been diving into the study of the expression languages of oil painting, and choose familiar people and objects as their themes. The rise of this generation of artists is a result of the integration p of the times' aesthetic value and social cultural psychology.

Elon Musk Calls For Technology In Alternative Energy

Elon Musk Calls For Technology In Alternative Energy

Image source: http://static2.uk.businessinsider.com/image/56716dc2dd089524058b47f9-1190-625/elon-musk-just-made-a-very-important-point-about-solar-energy.jpg

Elon Musk is the billionaire businessman who created Tesla and Space X, and is a very vocal proponent for alternative energy as a method of reducing carbon footprints.  He realizes that the issues with alternative energy production are rooted squarely in the advancements of technology, which he alludes to in a new documentary called "Before the Flood." In the film, Musk discusses that the global stranglehold on technological advancement is caused by the fossil fuel industry lobbying governments to stifle technological advancement by starving it of funding.  As he proved with his Space X project, when funding is cut from a program all advancement stops.

Musk discusses the need for more technological advancement, but does not go into specifics regarding what that means.  A real example of the way that technological advancement can further the progress toward adoption of renewable energy sources comes in the form of the connection between industrial surge protection and solar energy.  Many people understand the basic workings of the solar energy industry, that a solar panel collects sunlight and transforms it into electricity for public consumption.  How this process actually works is a mystery to many, and as a result they probably do not understand how advancing technology can benefit the world.  Sunlight is collected on solar panels which are continually moved to be directly in the sun's path.  This is accomplished through the use of computerized equipment that is directly connected to the panels through power lines.  Solar panels are often damaged by lightning strikes, as they are generally placed in remote areas and subjected to harsh weather.  Although the complete prevention of damage to the panels from lightning strikes is nearly impossible, the prevention of the damage to the connected computer equipment as a result of the surge is accomplished through the installation of surge protection devices.  When these devices perform their job after a lightning strike occurs, they do so by breaking the connection between the equipment and the panel and preventing the flow of electricity which will damage circuitry.  After this is accomplished, the system is offline until the connection is re-established by maintenance workers.  The latest and most advanced solar surge protection equipment has the ability to stay online and maintain the connection after performing it's protection duty, allowing the solar panel system to stay producing power for the maximum amount of time the sun is available.  By maximizing the amount of time that a free energy fuel source is usable, surpluses of power can be created and prices are reduced.

In plain English, the advancement of the technology involved in surge protection devices has directly impacted the green energy production industries, allowing them to be more efficient and as a result reduce the costs that must be paid by consumers.  If the price for electricity produced using alternative energy sources drops below that of fossil fuel production, then there is no longer a reason to support the method of production that creates more environmental issues.  The debate over the climate ends, and the world benefits from the advanced technology with lower power prices and a cleaner environment.

Elon Musk understands that money is necessary in order to advance technology, as there is money being invested in its suppression.  The industries that benefit from keeping alternative energy production expensive invest heavily in making sure that advancement happens as slowly as possible so as to prevent competition within their space.  This tragedy can be overcome with education and social commentary, discussing examples just like the one named above.  The planet will eventually move to alternative energy as a mainstay, and Elon Musk wants to get there sooner rather than later.

Do as I say, not as I do

Do as I say, not as I do

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdsWACk8KW4kKjpAy3jwWJXDVGtUWygdIkZfa6COM0P_rz5d0mdFcWWnr9rOhYJ2pXc8GrUWcFB2BXRWBntSQq79z-Wic5Rwrln3VTUnyM1YFitJByEeM1Dja5-yHhBSqVBHAybWdZc_A/s1600/do+as+i+say.jpg

Remember when leaders would actually lead? When leaders led by example? When a leader would say "follow me" and then actually lead the way into the unknown; assuming all the risks being asked of everyone else? When it was anathema to ask a person to do what you yourself wouldn't do?

There are still instances where we witness this kind of leadership. The U.S. Military practically oozes it. One of the more popular (and literal) slogans of the U.S. Marine Corps is "First to Fight"; they mean itand they live it.

U.S. Army Rangers say "Rangers Lead the Way"; they mean it and they live it. Navy Seals say "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday"and I believe them.

Isn't it strange that kind of leadership exists in our military but is completely absent in our elected officials? Our elected officials certainly have no shortage of challenges available to demonstrate this kind of leadershipof course, without all that risk of being killed.

Take the matter of health care for example. Forget for the moment what your personal opinion happens to be regarding the soundness of a national health care plan, and instead focus on how our elected officials work themselves into the very plan they would impose on the rest of us.

As a quick primer; The Affordable Health Choices Act, drafted by Senator Edward Kennedy's staffwith a little help from the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committeeis the legislation that the President is urging swift approval of. It would, in effect, create an HMO style health benefit plan administered by the government.

There is however, a curious item written into this legislation. Surprisingly (or perhaps not) the legislation specifically exempts federal employees and members of Congress from the plan. This little tidbit was covered in Friday's Wall Street Journal. So in essence, we get one government plan for all of "us"and a different (meaning better) plan for our "leaders".

Again, it really doesn't matter whether you agree or not that there should be a national health care plan. But it absolutely does matter if the people we elect have the audacity to make laws that ensure that they are better provided for than you.

I have been told that there was a time when public service was a noble thing. When elected officials actually took up the banner of the people; and worked diligently to serve them. I have also been told that dinosaurs once roamed the earth.

Sadly, I haven't actually witnessed either of these events...and only the dinosaurs left any evidence of their existence.

I am willing to bet that I see a real Jurassic Park (with living dinosaurs), well before I see any elected official take up a principled position on any matter, if doing so carries with it any risk (no matter how small) of losing a re-election bid.

So here's the only slogan that I could think of that our elected officials can say with meaning; and actually live up to: "."

California Redemption Value Helps You Earn Money For Your Recyclables

California Redemption Value Helps You Earn Money For Your Recyclables

Image source: http://www.sandiegomagazine.com/0001%20Ryan%20Images/make%20money%20by%20recycling.jpg

Over the years many efforts have been made to make recycling a bigger part of the collective consciousness. As one of Northern California's most prominent centers for metal recycling, aluminum recycling, plastic and glass recycling, and more, J and S Recycling shares that goal and helps make recycling more alluring by offering California Redemption Value for certain recyclables. This is no doubt the part of the article where you pause to ask "what exactly is California Redemption Value, and what does it mean to me?" Well, it's an opportunity to earn back money when you do the right thing by recycling.

The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, which originated in 1986, established the California Redemption Value, or CRV, which was added to the price of recyclable drink containers to encourage people to recycle. The amount you pay is currently 10 cents for 24 ounces or more, and five cents for under 24 ounces.

The good news is that you can earn back that money by recycling. When you take your bottles and cans to recycling centers s uch as J and S Recycling you will be reimbursed that money as a California Refund Value (also CRV). The rate for reimbursement is the same as deposit; ten cents for 24 ounces or more and five cents for less than 24 ounces.

California Redemption Value has three main purposes in that it seeks to encourage recycling, discourage littering, and generate revenue from unclaimed redemptions and sales tax on the CRV. And since most people still don't recycle, those funds can be substantial.

A number of beverages sold in aluminum, glass, plastic, and bimetal containers are eligible for the CRV program. CRV is paid on the following types of beverages:

* Beer and other malt beverages
* Wine and distilled spirit coolers
* Carbonated fruit drinks
* Non-carbonated fruit drinks
* Sport drinks
* Carbonated and non-carbonated water
* Coffee and tea drinks

And that is CRV in a nutshell. Over its 20 plus years in existence it has proven to a positive in terms of raising awareness of the importance and value of recycling. Now that you're well-versed on CRV, we invite you to make a few extra bucks by bringing your recyclables to J and S Recycling or a recycling center in your area. In terms of both what you recycle and what you can earn from it, it's safe to say that every little bit makes a difference.

Blue Ridge Parkway Motorcycle Road Trip

Blue Ridge Parkway Motorcycle Road Trip

Image source: http://goldwing.eurekaboy.com/brp2008/brp7.jpg

Give yourself a break and get on motorcycle road trip along the longest rural parkway in the United States, the Blue Ridge Parkway. The parkway runs 469 miles that connects the Great Smoky Mountains in southern North Carolina to Shenandoah National Park in northern Virginia and stretches across the southern Appalachian Mountains. That fact alone already states a very promising scenic road trip.

If you want to get the most out of the beauty of Blue Ridge Parkway, you will need to allot four days for this motorcycle road trip. Take the time to stop and explore nearby towns that have existed since the first settlements in America.

Starting from North Carolina, the beginning of your road trip is kicked off with a movie-like dramatic setting as the from the Smoky Mountains is so visible. Head off to Boone, also known as the Firefly Capital of the World. If you are feeling like being a child again, stop by at Boone's major attraction, the Tweetsie Railroad. Moving along to Asheville, treat yourself with cultural and historic attractions. In Asheville, you will find the famous Biltmore Estate, the most technologically-advanced home during the time it was built. You might want to spend the night at Biltmore Estate for their wine and experience the life of the rich and famous.

If you are a fun of the Wild West, you might want to go on your motorcycle road trip with a stop at Maggie Valley. In Maggie, you will find the Ghost Town in the Sky theme park that stages gun fights back in the day. Explore more of Blue Ridge as you head to Humpback Mountain. Deep inside, you will find Linville Caverns. Take the time to stop and look around the rooms Linville Caverns and find oddities after oddities in each.

Leaving North Carolina, you get a chance to see Native American culture manifested in such towns as Cherokee where the Cherokee Indians settles. From another group, however, the Oconaluftee Indian Village, you can even learn words from their native tongue and participate in some of their activities like mask carving and canoe hauling. Finally approaching Virginia, take a stop for a live entertainment as local actors in costumes give life to the 1800's Appalachian skills, customs and traditions performed at the Humpback Rocks. The same entertainment lies ahead at Mabry Mill as performers also demonstrate old Appalachian lifestyle. As you relax in Mabry Mill, a bite the town's specialty, the fresh apple butter, will make this motorcycle road trip all worth it.

As dramatic as the Smoky Mountains mist has provided for the beginning of your motorcycle road trip, so does the roaring sound of the Crabtree Falls for the ending. Take one more stop before finally concluding your trip at the Blue Ridge Music Center and listen to some old folk songs dating back from the time of the early settlers.

A four-day excursion via Blue Ridge Parkway will make you realize that there are really so many beautiful places in the United States. As you think of your journey, it encourages you to explore more of the country's four corners to see its beauty with a motorcycle road trip.

Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

13 Ways You Can Repurpose Household Items

13 Ways You Can Repurpose Household Items

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/84/a6/fe84a65e94ec1ce2d74b0521ad9194e1.jpg

In past decades, it was common to fix what that got broken or no longer worked. Today, our society has made a habit of quickly replacing products at the slightest sign of a defect or scratch, which has significantly increased the amount of waste that accumulates each year. Most purchased items are thrown away within six months. To reduce the amount of waste generated and care for the planet, there are a few alternate uses for common home items.

1. Plastic Straw
Colorful drinking straws can be used to prevent too much water from coming into contact with the flower stems in a vase. Use straws either in bright colors or those that blend in with the stems to extend the lifespan of your flowers and allow them to thrive.

2. Mouse Pads
Mouse pads can be used in more ways than what they were originally intended for. They can also be cut into fun designs and coaster shapes. The material is durable and will prevent moisture from coming into contact with the surface of a coffee table. The pad is also an insulator of heat and will prevent hot cups or mugs from damaging your tables. There is a number of different color mousepads, which can also make it easy to create decorative trivets to use in the kitchen.

3. Rubber Bands
Rubber bands are a household item that is extremely versatile and can be used in a number of ways. They were originally patented in 1845 and continue to be used for their ability to bind different items. Use rubber bands on glassware if you have children around, because their little fingers will need a better grip. At childrens parties, use different color rubber bands to mark each individual childs glass. In the summertime or spring, you can wrap them around hangers to prevent light shirts or blouses from slipping off.

4. Bread Box
Although bread boxes were commonly used in the '80s and '90s, they are now somewhat outdated, but a new purpose is all it needs to make them cool again. Upcycle your bread box by turning it into a charging station for smartphones and tablets. Drill holes in the back where the cords can fit through and insert an MDF board as the divider. Label each slit to make it easy to find each charger.

5. Toilet Paper Roll
Instead of tossing out old toilet paper rolls, use it to suck up dust and dirt in windows and doors by placing it over the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner.

6. Plastic Bottles
Ever been a student away on college or moved to a new home? Cutlery may be hard to find in all that mess. Make your own forks, spoons and knives out of old plastic bottles that are lying around the house. You can bend the plastic and create smooth edges by using a lighter.

7. Lotion and Shampoo Bottles
A common inconvenience in the home is having your phone lie on the floor as it charges next to an outlet. Use a lotion or shampoo bottle that will fit your device, decorate it as you wish and cut a hole at the top you will use to hang that charging station.

8. Old Trays
Create a vintage setting in your home by displaying old food trays on the walls, which will give your kitchen or dining room that antique and eclectic look everyone who visits will be jealous of.

9. Cheese Graters
You can create a work of art out of old graters by nailing the kitchen tool to a wood plank and turning it upside down to use as light sconces or lampshades. The innovative product will look unique in your home and stand out in the kitchen or dining room.

10. Old Frames
Take out the matting and glass in old frames to use the product as a necklace or earring holder. Install hooks on the frame to hold necklaces and old lace or thread where earrings can be secured.

11. Old Chairs
Instead of tossing out old chairs that are no longer used, transform the standard household item into a flowerpot holder after adding a fresh coat of paint.

12. Changing Tables
Parents sometimes have a difficult time separating from all their kids essentials like toys, strollers and the like. Create a decorative wine cart out of the old changing table that is no longer used in nurseries, but which will stay with you for a long time to come.

13. Outdated Computers
With the right safety equipment and tools, you can transform outdated computers into fish tanks. Remove the CRT, make a plexiglass tank and add a large hole at the top of the monitor as an access panel. Use aquarium sealant used after removing the wires, fill the tank and watch your screen saver come alive.

Upcycling home items will allow you to reuse household products that can contribute to the functionality of decor of your home. The items may be considered junk, but you can transform them into one-of-a-kind treasures. Think about how you can create something new out of old valuables and prevent more products from being sent to the junk yard.

Garage Door Can Be Your Best Friend

Image source: http://doordorks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Door_Dorks_Promo.jpg Garage doors and their components are a fundamental part ...